Weekly Schedule.

Morning Meeting: This is kind of a quick covering of lots of important skills - some morning independent work, calendar skills, weather skills, social questions, math skills and journal writing.

AM Centers: Each student is at each center for 10-15 minutes. There are six centers, three independent centers: independent work, quiet reading, break/games (we encourage social skills-building games at this center); and three teacher-directed centers: fluency, where they are timed on skills previously learned to increase accuracy and speed, spelling, and teacher time, where they will work on goals with me.

Break: Students have two scheduled breaks throughout the day. This is they can earn all 10 minutes of this break if they have all green points. If they have some

Sign: This was originally planned for sign language practice, but is now a read aloud time.

Drama: Drama time is this year's social skills practice. We focus on emotions and identifying and controlling them through dramatic play.

Music: Our music time is once again led by our wonderful paraeducator, Annie Bliss, who studied music in college. This year we will focus on music around the world. Look for information about a musical performance as the school year continues.

PM Centers: Afternoon centers (shown above as reading groups) consist of reading lessons with me, reading with an aide work on our Reading for All Learners program, using the RAZ-Kids computer reading program, and a science center with another aide.

Group Time: This is an opportunity for us to build group social skills through activities such as show and tell. Friday group time serves as the class store for students to use their tokens to buy a small prize.

Life Skills: Life skills will be a mixture of learning skills that relate to every day living, such as learning to do class jobs, and applying science learning to every day life through hands-on activities.

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